Taking Up a New Hobby.

When I sat down at the end of 2013 to think about goals for the new year I knew I wanted to try a new hobby. I love being creative and trying new things that develops that creativity in me. This year I decided to try painting. I wouldn't consider myself a painter but I really enjoy it. 

I bought myself a water color set from the craft store and used some thick letter press paper I already had. 

I sat down at my kitchen island one night with some worship music on and just started painting. 

I love that they are a little imperfect. The brush strokes aren't even. 

And my drawing skills aren't the best. 

But this wasn't about it being perfect or even the best. 

It was about trying new things. Doing something new that I've never done before. 

I actually find painting really relaxing, I've painted pottery a few times before and find it relaxing as well. So I knew I'd love this. 

I really love cultivating new habits and trying new things. God's taught me a lot about myself in this last year. To not be afraid to try new things, to not be afraid to put my trust in him. I know we're talking about painting here but I think it's all apart of a bigger picture. 

Trusting God in the little things. Means he'll trust you with the bigger things. 

Have you tried anything new lately? Any new hobbies?