Some Verses to Rest On
One thing the Lord is teaching me during this season of rest that I am in, is that resting on His word is so important. Being in scripture daily is so key and important for me to keep my mind and focus on Christ.
I see the difference it makes in my day, I see the difference it makes in my spirit when I am in His word, reading it daily and seeing how it can apply to my life.
So today on this thought I'd love to share with you some of my favorite scriptures I've been resting on the last few months, I hope that you're encouraged to pick up your own Bible and start reading, dig deeper into what God has for you.
If you don't have a Bible, please fill out the contact form and I would love to send you one.
I will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1
So this is what the Lord says, Stand at the crossroads and look, ask for ancient paths. Ask where the good way is and walk i it and you will find rest for your souls. Jeremiah 6:16
We have access to the Father through the Spirit. Ephesians 2:18
Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing one another in love. Make every effort to keep unity in the Spirit through Peace. Ephesians 4:2
Galations 5:22 (Fruits of the Spirit)
1 Cor. 15:58 Stand firm. Let nothing move you. Give yourself fully to the Lord because you know that your labor is not in vain.
1 Cor. 1:4, 4:5, 6:12
I John 3:1 How great is the Father.
v. 16 We know because he laid down his life for us.
Perfect love casts out all fear. 1 John 4:18
1 Peter 1:3-15
1 Peter 4:8
1 Peter 5:10 He will restore you and make you strong.
What are some verses you are resting on today?
This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim . Visit this link for more posts on this topic and follow along in this journey. Use the hashtag #31daysofRestinginHim on social media to follow along.