Where did the month of September go? Seriously. The year is almost over. Soooo, my September goals went pretty well. There's a few things that didn't get crossed off my list (ahem, Christmas shopping) so that's getting moved to my October list. 

View my September Goals here. 

October is a crazy month for us, it's starts with my birthday and then two weeks later is my Hubby's birthday, We also have a wedding this month, and I have a couple events to attend. Then Thanksgiving and Christmas and the year is almost over. My husband is also officiating a wedding this month and we're hoping to get some Fall activities in before the month is over, like visiting the pumpkin patch! 

Here's my October goals:

01/ Read a new book: I've been loving having this as a goal the last two months. It's really kept me accountable to reading and I like that.

02/ 31 Days Writing Challenge: I've wanted to do this for a few years and just never could solidify a topic or idea. But God's been working on my heart and put inside me the idea of exploring the idea of Resting in Him. I hope you're enjoying the series so far as much as I am, if you're not following along catch up here. Follow along with #31DaysofRestinginHim on social media.

03/ Finish Christmas Shopping: At least for my kiddos. I'm almost done, so close and I wanted to have it done last month but it just didn't happen. So I'd like to finish theirs. I've finished my Hubby and now I need to cross off my kiddos from the list.

04/ Prepare for Phoenix Flea: I've decided to be a vendor at Phoenix Flea this year. It's happening the end of November. So this month I'd like to finalize my booth set up ideas and get all my inventory made.

05/ Start Running Again: You guys, I haven't been running lately because it's so hot here in Phoenix. Now that it's cooling down a bit I think I can start running again. Wish me luck.