God Gave Us Permission To Rest.

By the end of the seventh day God has finished the work he has been dong; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. Genesis 2:2

Every time I look at the morning sky, see the waves crashing in the in the ocean or drive through the mountains here in Arizona I am reminded of God's goodness. Reminded that he took great detail and pleasure in creating this place for us. The very first line of the Bible it's talking about how God created the heavens and the earth. 

Now, this was a big job. He separated the light from the darkness. Created the land animals would roam on. Gave us vegetation on the land to eat, created the oceans, lakes and rivers. Every bit of his creation mirrored himself and that includes us. 

And when it was all over when he was done he rested. He took the seventh day from his work and he rested. It's the purpose behind the Sabbath. To rest. 

God gave us permission to rest, so we should.

I know most of the time during my day I've always got the next thing on my mind that needs to get done. A 'to-do' list a mile long that won't complete itself. Anyone else feel like this too? 

There are days when I feel so overwhelmed with the tasks I have to complete that I barely feel like I make a dent. On this journey I've been feeling like God wants me to rest. 

To abandon the lists, the plans and rest in Him. 

He's teaching me that it's more than ok to let go of those things in order to rest in Him. He's teaching me that it's important for me to take a step back, keep things into perspective and focus on Him. 

I think a lot of times as women and mothers we've got so much going on that we forget about ourselves. We put showering and take general care of ourselves low on the priority list. I mean I get it, just this morning everyone else got breakfast before I did, even the dog. I get that there's a real struggle here sometimes. 

But I would challenge you today to make sure you're resting and taking care of yourself as well. It's vital to you're overall health but most importantly it's vital to your growing relationship with Christ. 

If we're to busy accomplishing our task list and haven't sat down with Him yet we've missed the point. We've missed the goodness he has for us, we've missed what he wants to speak to us that day. 

Make a commitment today to spend time time daily resting in Him. Spending some quiet time with Him, because he desires to be with us. 

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim to find out more visitthis link for more posts on this topic. #write31days 

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim to find out more visitthis link for more posts on this topic. #write31days