Rest and Do Nothing.

When I was a new mama everyone told me; "Sleep when the baby sleeps." And for the first couple weeks that was an awesome idea of which I took full advantage of. Which was easy to do when I had my mom, my Grandma, my Sister and a Husband all at my disposal to help me with everything. Those Grandmas they are awesome at making sure you eat, doing your laundry and just keeping your house together so you can just be with your newborn. My husband took a week paternity leave as well. Those first few weeks as a new mom were so wonderful to have all the help I needed to get the rest I needed. 

I remember the day my family all left and my husband went back to work. I said good-bye to them, I had Ava strapped onto my in the baby bjorn. I closed the door and thought; "Welp, it's just us, now what we I do?"

Sounds silly but I'm sure you've had similar moments if you're a mama. If you're not a mom, you're a women too who's trying to juggle it all. And just trying to do her best. I know as women we often don't take the time to rest and take care of ourselves, however let me challenge you with this; 

There's always going to be laundry to be done. There's always going to be a to-do list that could be conquered.

There's always another phone call to be made. But the moments you spend with Jesus are better and should be more than you do all those other things. 

Now, don't get my wrong her I'm not saying you should let your home go to crap, never get things done or neglect what you're responsible for. 

I am saying their should be priority in putting Jesus first. Setting down with him and reading his word, seeking his will in prayer and giving yourself permission to rest because he already has. 

My second challenge for you is this; every now and then do nothing. Rest and do nothing. 

When it's nap time and there's a million things to get done and it's your golden hour, I get it. But, instead sit down and do nothing. Take a moment for yourself. 

When it's the weekend and you want to tackle the things you didn't get to during the week, do nothing instead. Hang out with your family and not feel guilty about not getting something done or being "more productive."

Today during nap time I did something I've been wanting to do for a long time but just haven't. I sat down printed my Instagram photos and put them into little albums. Taking a moment to reflect and remember all these little moments and the life God has give me today. 

Resting in Him.

Instead of the million other things on my mind that I could have been doing. 

I hope you'll join me in this thought of "resting and doing nothing." Rest in him ladies.

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim to find out more visit this link for more posts on this topic. #write31days

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim to find out more visit this link for more posts on this topic. #write31days