Why Keeping the Sabbath is A Good Idea.

When I think of the Sabbath two things come to mind;

1. It's God's design.

2. It's built in rest.

We talked about this on day #2. God designed the Sabbath. He rested on the seventh day for a purpose. I think that God really designed the Sabbath for you and for me to rest, and to make sure we rested. 

In our culture and lives today I think one of the things that we struggle with is shutting down, and resting in general. It's such a obscure idea to most of us to take the day and do nothing. Rest. 

But God has really been teaching me a lot about keeping this day (the Sabbath) sacred. We all have stuff going on, so What exactly does that mean? 

Well this might look different for everyone but for me it means attending & serving our local church that day. When we come home it's a total family day. We play with our kiddos, sometimes I take a nap, we eat a late lunch and just be together.

We don't do any work. I mean, I don't do an ounce of housework. My husband doesn't work on chores. 

We take this day to rest and be together as a family and prepare for the week ahead. 

If there's stuff to be done, it gets done later in the following week. We really try to keep this day free of "doing stuff." 

Be together as a family, relax and prepare for the week ahead. We enter the week refreshed and relaxed. 

Keeping the sabbath is honoring to God. And this can look so many different ways for your family, for your life but I think the key about the sabbath is;

Intentional Rest.

How are you intentionally resting now?

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim . For more posts on this topic visit this link for more posts on this topic and follow along in this journey. 

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim . For more posts on this topic visit this link for more posts on this topic and follow along in this journey.