Loving People Well.

When I was a little girl my Grandma used to send me notes and cards in the mail, we didn't live near each other she lived in California and my family lived in Iowa. But she never missed a birthday card. As I grew older she continued this practice th…

When I was a little girl my Grandma used to send me notes and cards in the mail, we didn't live near each other she lived in California and my family lived in Iowa. But she never missed a birthday card. As I grew older she continued this practice through out my entire life, in college I would get notes in the mail and it would make my day. I'm 31 now and she still sends me written notes in the mail, I got this one today. Did I mention the most awesome thing about this? We my Grandma (who turned 80 this week) lives right across the street from me now. Did you catch that? She sent me this card in the mail, when she could have just brought it over to me. Instead she spoke my love language, she was intentional about it. This is how you love people well. Not just by sending people notes, it's not about that. It's about finding ways to love on people, be intentional and show them. And not let other things like excuses get in the way of loving people. 

I shared this image yesterday on Instagram (@andreamworley) with the above caption. Sharing this made me realize that loving people well is all about showing them God's love. It challenges me because I know the more that I rest in Christ and ask him to show me things the more I can love on people better. 

As I become better in my relationship with the Lord, the more connected and in tune with Him the more I am able to love people well. 

The more I see their needs and not my own.

The more I see their hurts and know how to pray for them. 

The more God shows me it's not about me, it's about Him and furthering His kingdom. 

I'm challenged at this thought to be more intentional on how I love people. 

Jesus never gave an excuse of why he couldn't minister to people, he didn't. He did it because he was called by the Father to do so. 

We're the same. We're called to love people, love on them well. Love them genuinely. 

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim . Visit this link for more posts on this topic and follow along in this journey. Use the hashtag #31daysofRestinginHim on social media to follow along.

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim . Visit this link for more posts on this topic and follow along in this journey. Use the hashtag #31daysofRestinginHim on social media to follow along.