When Your Child is the Voice of the Holy Spirit.

A typical Tuesday for us includes getting up early to take my husband to work, we're a one car family and have been our entire marriage (7 years) which has worked well for the most part except for now. Now Ava goes to school two days a week starting on Tuesdays. This little factor requires all four of us to get up and be out the door by 6:15 am. 

Some days this proves to be easy and other days it's wrangling a cranky pre-schooler and toddler together and just getting them in the car in hopes they will calm down by the time we leave the driveway. 

These schools days are always a little nerve wracking for me. It takes about 45 minutes to get back home from dropping my husband off at work because of the traffic. Then it's all a blur from there just to get to school on time. There's breakfast to be made, getting dressed because let's face it ain't nobody fully dressed when we leave at 6:15 am because we just got up at 6 am! Mmm..kay.

A couple weeks ago it was one of these crazy mornings again. We got home with enough time to spare, in reality I should have been calm. But, there's something about Tuesdays that honestly just puts me on edge. My kids were going crazy because there's wasn't any more yogurt left after they had their fifth helping at breakfast. 

I snapped and I yelled at them to be quiet and just eat. 

What came after was both heart wrenching but also a reality check for myself. 

Ava told me she was scared of me, that I was being mean cause I was yelling. Ouch. You know what?

She was right. I was being mean. I was letting my day overwhelming and make me crazy and it had barely started. Sitting around the island eating breakfast with my kiddos should have been a joyful time as I got Ava's things ready for school that day. Not a stress ball of madness that I was making it. 

I felt awful the rest of the morning. I picked Ava up from school and she was joyful and happy just like she always is. After we came home and had lunch I sat down with her to tell her I was sorry for the morning events. 

In her small voice she said, "It's ok Mom, I forgive you. See Mom now you're heart is nice, you're not yelling."

I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me inside and say Rest on this. 

Sometimes it's easy for us as wives and mothers to let the duties of those role overwhelm us so much that our responses to circumstances in our days are not Godly or of Him at all. 

It's during those moments like the one I recalled in the story where Christ reminds me that my rest and my peace is in Him. To think on Him during moments of overwhelming tasks, and to drown myself in prayer and his word rather than lash out on my children. 

Just as my 4 year old gave me so much grace in the world, how much more of that does God have for us?

When we have bad days, rest in Him. 

When we're stressed and think we can't function, rest in Him.

When our children are screaming and not listening to us, rest in Him. 

Finally, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, what is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such thing. Whatever you have learned or received or hear from me, or seen in me put into practice. And the God of peace be with you. Philippians 4: 8-9 

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim . Visit this link for more posts on this topic and follow along in this journey. Use the hashtag #31daysofRestinginHim on social media to follow along.

This post is apart of a series #31daysofRestinginHim . Visit this link for more posts on this topic and follow along in this journey. Use the hashtag #31daysofRestinginHim on social media to follow along.