Just Five Things

Long before the days of blogging or before I even knew what a blog was I journaled. I still do. I started journaling when I was in 5th grade, every year at Christmas time my mom would buy me a new journal for the next year ahead. 

A nightly ritual for me was crawling into my cozy little bed and writing down all the woes and dramas that my little eleven year old self could muster. As I grew older it became a way for me to record thoughts, write how I felt without a filter and get my emotions out. I've continued this practice throughout my adult life. 

Six years ago when I was laid off my job, I sunk into a pretty deep depression. One the outside everyone thought I was fine. On the inside I was slowly dying inside and losing all hope that things could get better. When I started therapy sessions much of the time was focused on moving forward and forgiving. 

It was during this time that I started at the end of my journal entries "just five things" five things that I was thankful for that day.

During that season that I was in I needed to see measurable change, progress. I figured even though I was going through a really hard and difficult time it forced me to see the good, to see that God hadn't forgotten me, to see that there was hope in everyday life.

So I started writing every night five things that I was thankful for that day. This simple little act helped improve my overall attitude towards myself, God and my circumstances. 

Now six years later it's still something that I do. 

It's a small reminder of where I've been and how far God has brought me by Resting in Him. 

What are five things you're thankful for today?