When Complacency Grows.

nounplural complacencies.


a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc.

Have you ever read this definition of the word complacent? Go ahead read that, let it sink in a little bit. 

Here's the thing I've learned about being complacent before in seasons of my life; 

There's simply no room for God to move.

A feeling of quiet pleasure or security.

Unaware of the danger we're building relying on ourselves, instead of the Lord.

Seeking self-satisfaction instead of seeking to please the Lord.

When we have an attitude of complacency we have no room to let the Lord come into our lives and have control.

When I'm complacent it's all about me and my own agenda. It's all about what I want and not the Lord. And slowly you start making justifications for what you're doing, and how you're doing it so that it fits all of the above.

I want God to have free reign in my life. To let him into the messy parts of me and let him make something beautiful.

But I can't do that if I have a complacent attitude, if I'm not willing to give him a place in my life. 

A place to challenge me to the point of growth.

A place to have a voice in my life.

A place to rest in my heart.

What areas of your life would God want to challenge you in during this season of life?