Pure and Blameless.

I read this scripture in Philippians last week and it really humbled me. Let me share it with you.

Be pure and blameless until Christ's return. Filed with the fruit of righteousness. 1: 10-11

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, pure, lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is praise worthy think about these things. 4:8

Be pure and blameless. 

Sometimes we get in situations we aren't sure what to do, or what the next step is. Sometimes those situations are sticky and we feel like there's no graceful way out. Or maybe we got stuck in the middle of something we never should have been in the first place but here we are. 

What do you do?

When I read be pure and blameless it was honestly God just saying in a small way;

"Here's what you do, you remain pure and blameless."

Some might call this as taking the high road. You've heard that before haven't you? I have many times and honestly there's times when I don't always want to do that.

But reading these scriptures reminded me that God has a much bigger plan than my own, he's got a much bigger purpose for me. And I need to remain pure and blameless. I need to remain a light of hope for those who don't know Him. 

I rest in him by resting on these virtues.