Making Time to Rest in Him.

A couple days this week I woke up in a panic when I saw that it was almost 7 am! You see because my kiddos are usually both awake by 6:30 am on any normal given day. A couple days this week they slept in really late, completely unusual for them. 

I sat there in my cozy bed and warm covers and contemplated drifting back to sleep myself. Then I realized that this was the perfect opportunity for me to get up and spend time with Jesus and practice resting in Him in a tangible way.

One morning this week I made Trader Joe's pumpkin rolls grabbed my coffee and opened the shades in my kitchen. It was already bright and beautiful outside. I sat and read my Bible, journaled a bit and sipped my coffee while it was still hot.

It was kinda magical. :)

I've quickly come to realize over these last few months that if I'm going to Rest in Christ and really do that I have to make time for it. I have to clear my schedule and make time for it. I have to be intentional about it. No one else is going to make it a priority but me.

And I've already seen how this practice really starts my day well. I feel more patient with my children. I feel more focused when I do this. 

In what ways are you making practical efforts to Rest in the Lord? I'd love to hear your thoughts.