Everlasting Light Collection by DaySpring

DaySpring has introduced Everlasting Light A Jewelry & Home Decor Collection! A collection that is inspired by the thought of sharing God's light to others. 

A home decor collection that includes pillows, a table runner, a starburst mirror and beautifully crafted candle holders as well as art prints for your walls. 

Also in the collection are amazing hand crafted jewelry pieces that physically sparkle and remind us of God's everlasting light in us that shines for him. Shop any of these items here.

I added this beautiful Everlasting Light Table runner to my kitchen table it goes perfectly with my glittery pumpkins but it's also going to be perfect at Christmas time too. 

I love inviting people into my home and gathering them around my table. There's something so special about creating a meal and an atmosphere for community. I think this is one of the best ways I can be a shining light for the Lord. People want to be valued and cared for and when you take the time to make a meal and share it with them it let's them know they are special and valued in your eyes. 

It reminds me of in the scriptures when Jesus and the disciples broke bread at the last supper. Jesus then humbled himself and washed each of their feet. A job reserved for servants at that time, but Jesus loved them so much and wanted to be a humble example so he did this. 

It's the perfect image of love and everlasting light. 

I was provided this product for the purpose of a review, however all thoughts and opinions are my own. *Post contains affiliate links.*