He Never Runs Out.

My second child has always been my wild card, he turned my whole parenting upside down when he came into our family. When you only have one child all you know is that one child and what worked for them. So when I had my second and he wasn't at all anything like my first I didn't quite know what to do with myself. 

All my best mom tricks weren't working. 

He's never been the best sleeper. It took him 13 months to sleep through the night. When he finally did he started some good sleep habits. Every now and then he has an off day. A day when he doesn't nap. A day when he's just off and needs some extra attention. 

Today was one of those days. 

I'll admit that as a mom running on little sleep and a million things that I want to get done during the day, nap time is my golden hour now. Those two precious hours are what I need during the day to get my chores done, eat lunch myself, shower....... ahem! 

But today when I heard screams coming from my son's room that didn't end after twenty minutes I knew that today was going to be a day that everything else was going to have to wait. 

When I peaked into his room he was standing up in his crib just sobbing. Reaching out for me. I scooped him up and sat down in the rocker. His little body all tired and heavy burrowed into my neck. I could feel his heavy soft breaths on my neck and I knew it all could wait. 

He just needed to be held. He just wanted to know that I was there. He wanted to know that I was going to come back. He wanted security in those moments. 

So I sat. And we rocked until he feel asleep in my arms.

I'm pretty sure all most of us want those same things from God. We want someone to care, we want to know that someone is always there. We want to know that he still loves us even when we mess up, even when we aren't perfect parents, even when we've ran out of patience for the day.

He never runs out of patience for us.

He never runs out of grace.

He's always there.

Ready to scoop us up into his arms. 


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