How Can We Practically Rest in Him?

We've talked a bit about in this series getting away and having some quiet time with the Lord in order to make your relationship stronger with the Lord. 

I believe in the power of God's word. I believe it has the power to strengthen God's voice in our life and defend us against the enemy. 

I believe in the power of prayer. That God wants us to come to him with our needs, wants and desires. I believe that the answers to our troubles are found on our needs in prayer and communion with God.

I believe in worshiping the one true God who died for you and for me. I believe that his death covered my sins and brings freedom to my life. 

In the past I've really gotten caught up in the "amount of time" I spent with the Lord. As if spending a certain amount or more meant that he was listening better or that I was a better Christian for it. Which is so not true. Over time God has really softened my heart towards the things of Him and I no longer am caught up in those details.

Now, what's most important is that I am spending time in his presence. 

Sometimes I pray in my car as I sit through rush hour traffic. 

I get up early some days and get my Bible out and spend time with the Lord, if I can't do it in the morning I sit in my office at night after my kids have gone to bed and read my Bible. 

I play worship music throughout my house during the day while my kids are playing and we are living life. Hoping that positive messages rub off on me and my kids. 

Some of my favorite sounds is the sound of my four year old singing worship songs she's heard on the radio or at church. It brings this mama's heart so much joy.

I use Bible reading plans when I don't know where to start. 

I pick just a few verses sometimes and pray and rest on those for a few days. 

I read commentaries on books of the Bible, my husband and I have discussions about what we're learning and what God is teaching us.

The point here?

I'm doing it, and God's showing me more of himself as I grow in Him. As I rest in Him. The more I do this, the more God is near to me.