The Lord Will Fight for You.

this print and others are available in my shop, go here to shop this print and others. 

this print and others are available in my shop, go here to shop this print and others. 

I started out this year knowing that there were some really specific things that God was asking me to surrender, some things God even asked me to give them up. 

They'd become idols to me. 

At first I'll be honest, I didn't want to. I wanted to keep them close to me, control them and I wanted to decide that I was going to do with them. Not Him. 

At the end of last year I surrendered those things to God, not knowing if I would get them back or see them again in my life. I did it knowing that God wanted to do some really specific things in my heart through that sacrifice. 

It was a pruning time for me. I think during that time God decided that he'd just prune all the things in my life while he was at it. 

All this stuff started coming out of the wood work, so to speak.

I began to be challenged in my faith. I began to be challenged in my relationships and friendships. Good and bad. 

This entire year has been a year of revelation, learning to trust God in new ways, learning to let go of things that weren't really my own anyway. They were his. 

As I mentioned I've been going through a rough time this year in my friendships. I've felt attacked, I've felt not heard or listened to. I've had my character come into question as well as my motives. Things that have rocked me to the core and deeply saddened me. 

I've gone back and forth about what to do. What do I say? How do I handle this in a Godly way? How do I show the love of Christ and rest in him through this time?

God kept bringing me back to this scripture in Exodus 14:14

The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still. 

When Moses says this to the Isrealites it's right before they cross the Red Sea. They are fleeing Egypt and breaking free from Pharoah. A time and season where they faced persecution and unfairness towards them. 

Some crazy stuff, plagues, death of first born sons, the passover. Crazy things I've never experienced in my life. 

And in this moment when they are about to cross the sea into freedom, Moses tells them don't be afraid (Ex. 14:13) stand firm and you will see deliverance the Lord will bring you to today. Then he says;

The Lord will fight for you. You need only to be still.

Sometimes there's a whole lots of chaos around us. Sometimes there's a whole lot of pain, uncertainty, sadness and heartbreak all around us. Sometimes our flesh wants to rise up and tell people off, or defend ourselves in righteous anger. But that's not what God wants. 

He wants us to be still. He wants us to rest in Him. 

He wants us to know that he will fight for us. He's already gone to battle for us. He's already won the victory for us. 

We need only to be still and rest in Him.