5 Ways to Keep Date Nights Affordable.

Do you love date night?

Good, me too! 

My husband and I love date night, to be honest with you when we were first married sans kiddos we had date night once a week, every week. Then kids came along, and we didn't have much of a budget like we did in our early on in our marriage and date night kinda fell to the wayside. 

But in the last couple years we've really realized how important and vital regular date nights are. So we've made it a priority to spend quality time together and make it affordable too. I wanted to share with you how we try to make date night as affordable as possible to that it's no excuse not to have one.

So here we go, let's jump in.

01// Find a FREE baby sitter.

If you're like us we don't live near family at all, so using family as a baby sitter wasn't an option for the longest time. Since we couldn't rely on family we did the next best thing and we swapped baby sitting with friends. We had friends who had small kiddos of their own and we'd take turns watching each other's kids when we wanted to go out on a date night. They'd go one week and we'd go the next. It was an awesome arrangement and we never felt bad for not paying them since we swapped duties so each couple could have a date night. This is a great option if you don't have family living near by.

02// Split Meals.

The portions in most restaurants are crazy HUGE and more than we ever need to each. Stay on budget by splitting a meal together and splurging on drinks and desserts! 

03// Use coupons & deals.

We are not above using a Groupon for date night, or another deal we've found online or in the paper. We often get circular ads in the mail and I always search those too, because we've tried quite a few new restaurants using those deals. Groupon is also another fave because we can do fun things for a great price. 

04// Have a date night at home.

Save on gas by staying home. Order your favorite take-out put the kids to bed and hang out. This can be anything you want to do at home.

05// Every once in a while do something that's totally free and costs nothing.

After all the point is to spend quality time together not about about the amount you spent to do so. Go on a walk together and chat, or play those board games you never play and make a fun night together at home.