Our Christmas 2014 Home Tour

I'm excited to share with you today our Christmas home tour! This month marks two years of living in our home. Before this we lived in a small apartment, and all decor covered that tiny space. We moved in December 2012 just two weeks before Zane was born, I hardly decorated for Christmas that year. I think we put up a tree and stockings. And last year we didn't decorate at all since we were out of town for two weeks over Christmas. 

This year we made up for it though, we used all that we had and I quickly realized I need more Christmas decor. What I had filled up an apartment, doesn't fill an entire house. But we'll get there someday and in the meantime I'm looking forward to after Christmas sales! 

This post is picture heavy, I'll let them do most of the talking but let's start at the front door. Most all my decor is old, like a few years old. One thing I did buy new this year were these pre lit trees for our front porch. 

We upgraded our tree last year and got this 7.5 foot one. We put our little 5 ft tree we've had since we were married up in our loft area, you'll see it later. I love this tree. It's big and full and I have loved decorating it this year. 

We don't have a traditional mantle so each year I hang them on our entertainment center. 

Moving into the kitchen and dining area you'll see more traditional reds and green decor. I've had most of this since we first got married as those were the colors I went with the first year we celebrated Christmas. I pulled it all out this year and went for a more traditional look. 

For the last two years I've been hanging our Christmas cards we get from family on the pantry door! I love seeing them each time I open the door, and we leave and enter the house through the garage most of the time so we see them more. This is one of my favorite things about the holidays, getting the cards in the mail. Most of our friends live far away from us too so it's nice seeing how they change year to year.

Going up the stairs we have some simple garland, and you can see the other tree I mentioned. I was going to get rid of it and donate it when we got the new one, but I'm glad we kept it. It now sits upstairs in the small loft area. It has the ornaments on it that the kids choose each year, and some of my ornaments I had as a child that my parents gave me. Under the tree you'll find our advent books we do every night with the kids for the 12 Days of Christmas. 

There you have it, our little Christmas cozy home! If you have a question about where something is from just ask. I'd source it all for you but since most of it is either DIY or really old I might not be much help. 

Have you decorated for Christmas? Do you go big with a lot of decor or just really simple? Tell me in the comments below.