2014 Year in Review

2014 was a year of a lot of firsts, some personal trails and realizations. God taught me a lot during this year. It came in waves of busy-ness and then other months were super quiet. Here's a few of my fave snippets and personal moments & victories this year.

January- We spent the first few days of the year snowed in and unable to get home in Iowa. Once we were finally able to get back home we had a few days to unpack and get back in the groove from Christmas vacation. I continued by blogging break and took time off. 

February- I re launched my blog and started a new space here which I couldn't be more excited about and feel honored for the way my readers embraced it. Thank you.

March- I ran my very first 5K with my Hubby a huge accomplishment for me and I'm so glad I did it. 

My mom surprised us by flying into town for Ava's birthday! Ava turned 4 and we celebrated with a rainbow themed party. 

I joined the Thrive Moms team. This ministry was a blessing to me even before I joined the team and it's an honor to work along side the leadership.

April - I flew to Chicago and spent the weekend with some of my girl friends from college. I'm so blessed by their 13 year friendship. We had the best couple days exploring the city, staying up late way past our bed time and laughing and eating lots of good food.

Also in April I celebrated 1 year since I started my fitness journey, finishing the year off with losing just over 65 pounds. Becoming a healthier and stronger person. 

June- Ava completed her very first year of dance and had her recital this month. It was so fun watching her on the stage. She's a natural. 


My brother spent the 4th of July with us in Phoenix. 

We took our family vacation to Disneyland! We had the best trip taking our kiddos to Disney for the first time. We also spent time at the beach. We can't wait to see Mickey again. 

August- Ava started pre K! Her first school experience has been such a joy, she loves school so much! We're so proud of her.

October- I celebrated my 32nd birthday this month. We spent time in the mountains and my husband officiated his first wedding for some dear friends of ours. 

November- We celebrated Orion's birthday. 

December- Zane turned two! We had family come into town for Christmas which has been wonderful! We love having our family here. 

Thanks for following our year and allowing me to share some special snippets from our daily lives. I hope to get my act together a bit more in 2015 and share more of our daily lives.