5 Ways to Save on Kids Clothing

1. Buy out of Season
This is one of my favorite ways to save on clothing. End of the season sales are the best for scooping up swimsuits for next year, boots for the winter and much more. Make a list of items that you are looking for and always have it handy for when the end of the season is near you can get those items at a great price!
2. Shop second hand, Garage Sales and Consignment
I always have great luck when I shop garage sales. I don't go often, but when I do I look for things that are in good condition or I don't buy them. This is also a great place to get clothing that you don't mind your kids playing in or getting dirty. I always buy my kids winter stuff from these places since we don't use it year round and only when we visit Iowa during holidays it doesn't make sense to buy "new" every year.
3. Shop Sales & Clearance Racks
Can I tell you something? I don't buy a single thing for my children that isn't already on sale or that I don't have a coupon for! Why? Because the very next week it'll be on sale, so why buy it if it's not?! Places like Old Navy, Gap, The Children's Place and many other kids clothing stores are always running sales. Sign up for their email lists and get coupons emailed to you that you can use as well. 
4. Trade with Family & Friends
This is great if you have nieces & nephews, friend's kids that are older than yours that you can swap with. Have a big swapping party and trade clothing with friends and family. When you're done with it give it back to be used again or donate them. 
5. Shop Unexpected Places
I always love finding deals in unexpected places. Couple weeks back I was at Tuesday Morning, which is a discount home store and way in the back were some racks of clothing for kids. I ended up finding some great items in that rack. My tip, don't be afraid to check out the whole store and see what they have to offer. You just might find some great deals. 

What are some of your favorite ways to save on clothing for your kids? I'd love to hear some of your own money saving tricks!