What To Pack in Your Carry On
My carry on essentials.
I love traveling. Airports have some of the best people watching ever. I think there's a few things you should never go with out while traveling, here's my must have list:
Magazines- I like to bring mine from home, I rarely buy them in the airport so I just grab what I haven't read at home and pop them in my bag.
iPad- Love having a movie ready to go on this, or playing a game. They are also great entertainment on long flights with kiddos.
Small Cosmetic bag- Perfect for hand sanitizer, lotion, lip gloss and gum! All things that you MUST have when traveling and warding off gross germs and chapped lips.
A small notebook & pen- Most flights I take are at least 2 or more hours long. I like to use this time to jot down ideas, work on things for the blog and my home. I love keeping a small notebook handy for this undistracted time.
My day planner- I don't go anywhere without it. Seriously. And even though I might be on vacation you never know when someone might call you and you need to know what's going on. My last trip I took without kids and the Hubby was home with them, so this was good to have on hand in case he called and needed to know some scheduling thing.
Wallet- nuff said. You need money and your ID when traveling.
Chargers for your electronics- I like to keep mine all together in a ziplock. Easy & effective.
A Big Bag to Carry it In: I love using my over sized Coach bag. It is big enough to hold everything I need any then some.
I also love having a light jacket or scarf handy because planes can be cold and it's annoying to be cold on an air plane. Depending on where I'm going I also like to bring an umbrella in which I did on my recent trip to Chicago and it fit perfectly in this bag with everything else. It also nicely holds my DSLR camera & a lens. See, nice big bag.
What are some of your carry on must haves?