Simple Frittata

I get asked a lot about what I'm eating and how much of it to maintain my weight loss. So here goes, I'm gonna share all my secrets with you starting with this breakfast. 

A simple frittata. I like to make them because they are easy, and they also keep well in the fridge so I can make one on Monday and have it for the next few days. 

Here's how I make mine. I like to pile it full of veggies, whatever I have already on hand. 

6 eggs

1 heaping handful of spinach

1 red bell pepper chopped

half yellow onion chopped

Mix all that together with the eggs, pour into a pie dish. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes or until cooked through. 

I also love to pair it with half an avocado and some coffee to make my morning complete. It's a quick and simple breakfast that you can make in no time. 

What are some of your easy go-to breakfasts?