Quick Morning Workout

The last year I've been focusing on losing weight, and I'm happy that I've met that goal of losing the baby weight and a little more. This year I want to focus on toning up more, I've been adding weights into my workout and seeing some results. Although I'm realizing I need to push myself farther. I've been trying to do a quick 20 minute workout in the mornings during Zane's nap time and then after my husband gets home at night I try to sneak in another 20 minute workout. Which usually is running or one of my DVDs. 

It's getting way to hot here in Arizona to run outside, this week it's been over 100 degrees! So I've been loving my Beach Babe DVD & 30 Day Shred DVD. I hope to get back to running more once it cools down. 

In the mornings I've been doing this quick workout, it doesn't take very long at all. I do it with 5 pound weights and it really gets my legs burning! 


If you aren't sure what a reverse crunch is it's where you lay down on the floor with your legs in the air at 90 degrees and lift them up where you butt is off the ground. This works the lower abs & mommy pooch!

Squat & Press using the weights as you come up from your squat raise your arms in the air and "press." This works your legs and the added weights work out your arms. 

As you go down in a lunge curl your biceps with the weights. 

So easy and such a good quick workout! 

Let me know if you try this and let me know what you think!