MARCH Goals.

February is over guys. Can you believe it? I thought I'd take a moment to re-cap the month of February before we jump into March goals. 

February I had 4 simple goals, but they were big goals. First up, I completed my very first Whole30 experience. This was a big goal this month and I knew it was going to be challenging, it was and it proved to be a learning time for me as well, more on this in another video update. 

I finished a couple books this month The Nesting Place & It Starts with Food. We worked on a house project this month, we're working on re-doing our master bath. So we refinished the bathroom vanity, can't wait to show you that soon. And lastly, I planned a date for my husband. Which is always fun to take over and plan something. 

March is typically a busy month for us, it's Ava's birthday is this month and we usually have family coming into town. However this year, we don't have family coming to visit. We'll still be celebrating her birthday and some other fun family events, so I'm looking forward to March!

MARCH Goals.

01// Read 1 new book.


02// Design 1 new shop product.

I've been dreaming and writing down a lot of new ideas for shop products. I'm hoping to roll out at least  few new prints this month, and one other fun product.

03// Do 1 creative project.

It's been a long time since I made something for my home. This month I want to work on at least one creative project for my home.

04// Finish Master bath vanity project.

Vanity done. Now we need to work on framing that mirror. 

05// Finish Planning for Ava's birthday party.

Plan and execute. That's the plan for this month. I'm excited to show you goodies from her "modern" Elsa party coming up.

What are your goals for the month of March? I'd love to hear them below.