READ:: The Nesting Place

I remember finding The Nester's blog shortly after we moved to Arizona. I had been blogging myself for a little over a year around that time, and was just starting to read home decor blogs. It was during a season of life where we had just lost our first home due to me getting laid off from my job during a season in 2008. We had just moved into an apartment here in Arizona that began a longer season of apartment living than I ever thought we'd have. 

It was during that season that I found The Nester's blog and her message about "things don't have to be perfect to be beautiful." 

I love that message, and there's a lot of meaning and heart behind that. A message that I really took to heart during that season of life when I was living in an apartment that I didn't really care for, a new mom and just trying to make sense of the season we'd just come out of. 

I got this book for Christmas and I devoured the first few chapters in just a few hours. The book gives you a great glimpse of their background and their lives in the homes they've lived in. If you follow her blog you already know they've lived in so many homes over the years, where she's made the best of what she's had keeping that same perspective in mind. 

I loved that. I was challenged by that so much. 

I firmly believe your home is your sanctuary, a place to feel safe, a place to make your own. 

I love that this book is part Godly wisdom and part practical decor tips. She gives you some great tips and tricks on making your home your own. But she also challenges you to think outside the box, use what you have and make your home special. 

A few of my favorite lines from the book

With enough money anyone can create and pretty home but it takes intention to create a home. @thenester #nestingplacebook

The best way to crest a beautiful home is to be thankful for what you already have. #truth @thenester #nestingplacebook

If you've read her blog before you'll love this book. If you've never heard of her before you'll love it. She's real and genuine and reading this book is like sitting down for coffee with a friend. Pick up the book here*

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