How We Save for Big Home Purchases

Over the last two years we've been able to make significant purchases on big ticket items from our home 100% debt free! Buying big ticket items for your home can be stressful, but I've found with a little planning, research and saving they can be done. My biggest tip for this is to remain patient. Unless you have all the money the second you want to purchase an item you're gonna have to be patient in order to save funds and then make your purchases. Trust me the wait is worth it in the end. Here's my tips.

1. Find the piece you like & save for it!

This is easy and obvious! Once you find something you like put away some money each month or week until you have the funds to pay for it in cash. We have done this several times. We've even been able to negotiate added taxes and delivery fees once we tell them we've told them we're paying with cash. 

2. Use Your Tax Refund

One year we used our tax refund and bought our new couch with cash. Using your tax refund is a great way to pay for something in cash and not go into debt for your home purchases. 

3. Sell What You Have and Use the Cash to Buy What You Want

When I wanted a new dining room table I sold the one we currently had on Craigslist and saved another week and then bought the one I really wanted. I've done this before several times to buy the pieces that I wanted for our home. This takes a bit of planning and patience but in the end I got a beautiful new table and felt great because we saved for it and paid cash.

4. If You Have Extra Income Save it for Your Home Purchases

This might not work for everyone but if you have any extra money coming in each month save it for the purchases you want to make. Intentionally set it aside for those things. For myself I make a bit of extra money from my Etsy shop and the blog. I've been saving it and recently used the money saved to buy a brand new dishwasher for our home.

Using these tips have helped us stay debt free in our home purchases in our home which we love! What are some of your favorite ways to save money and stay debt free? Tell me in the comments below.