What I'm Eating During Whole30 Round 2!

Finishing up my second round of Whole30 in just a few short days. Today I thought I'd share some of my meals and what I've been eating. Below are the basic guidelines to follow. 

Dairy and alcohol are the easiest for me since they aren't in my diet anyway. Before this round I'd been binging way to much on soda, especially when we'd be out to eat. This time around the sugar cravings have been fierce probably because I'd been eating so much lately. One of the reasons I love Whole30 is for the re set it gives your body. Getting rid of the sugar has been great. 

Breakfast- usually eggs, bacon and black coffee. I don't mind making eggs each morning, I really love that I can eat bacon and eggs. I also make these egg muffins regularly ahead of time and keep them in the fridge.

Lunches- Are usually whatever is left over from the night before's dinner. But for a quick lunch I love to wrap some Applegate turkey in an avocado. So, so good! I pair that with fruit, you can see it in one of the images above.

Dinners- I basically pair a meat with lots and lots of veggies. We've been having steak and mixed veggies or squash. We've made Buffalo Chicken wraps, Beef Taco Soup, and Spaghetti with Zuchini Noodles. 

Snacks- Mostly fruit, or these copy cat Lara Bars are my jam, I also love fruit with almond butter. La Croix is also a fave of mine for replacing soda. I drink them anyway but for Whole30 it's so nice! 

A few of my other fave Whole30 approved eats are:

Paleo Taco Salad, Beef Taco Soup, Tuna Avocado Sandwiches

I'm also loving the Practical Paleo cookbook, and whole9life.com for more resources and recipe ideas.