How We Sold Our Home in 5 Days!

As you know we recently moved into a new house a couple weeks ago. We've been talking about putting our home on the market for six months and finally decided that it was the right time for us this Spring. This is our third home we've bought together, we've learned a lot of things along with way when it comes to buying and selling a home. When we put our last home on the market it went under contract within 5 days! 

We're not real estate experts but I'd thought I'd share a bit of our experience with you today, and the things we believe helped sell our home in such a short amount of time. 


As I said before we're not real estate experts, so the first thing we did was meet with a knowledgeable real estate expert. We had a meeting and talked through comps and what the best listing price would be for our home. This is where it helps to have someone who knows the area and can list your house at the right price the first time to attract a buyer. We also loved that our real estate team was very helpful and always available to us when we needed them. They laid out a plan for us and let us know upfront everything we needed to know. We worked with the Drefs team here in Phoenix! If you're local in the Phoenix area I highly suggest giving them a call! You can visit their website here. 


I highly suggest having professional photos of your home taken, if you're real estate team doesn't do this time to hire The Drefs team or someone else who does! Since you're going to have photos taken of your home you want to make sure it's clean and well picked up for those photos and for all your showings. Nothing turns me off worse is when I walk into a home and it doesn't look like the photos online. Make your beds, keep the bathrooms clean, and clearing off excess clutter from counters will all make a big difference when buyers are coming through your home. With that in mind, keep your home looking it's best by keeping it clean for all your showings. 


Is anything broken? Does anything need fixing that you just haven't gotten to yet? Make sure to fix and spruce up any of those things before putting your home on that market. Also if you have light fixtures that aren't staying with the home make sure you replace those with something else before putting it on the market. Buyers want to see the house they are getting not one that is going to have a million changes after they go under contract. 


This might sound like a no brainer but showings can take there tole on you but they are a must if you want to get your home sold! We listed our home on a Friday and had showings all weekend long. We were practically out of our home for the entire day on Saturday, which can be sorta hard with children and pets to keep in mind. We kept it really positive and made an entire day out of it. We knew ahead of time that this would be the case and so we made the most of it and it paid off!


Before showings 'set the mood' so to speak. Some of the ways you can do this, is to open the curtains let the light in so that when a potential buyer walks in they see a bright, open and airy space. Not something dark and cold. Play music and have a pleasing scent going through the home. Do NOT leave candles burning, we used an oil diffuser to have a nice scent going through the home while people walked through. 

I can't say enough how implementing these ideas into our selling experience made all the difference! We sold our home within 5 days of it being on the market and got several offers above our asking price! Much of that success goes to hiring the right team like I said before, we had the best selling experience and I hope you do as well! 

If you have any questions you can leave them in the comments below.