HOPE For the Father Less on Father's Day

I know in your heart and mind you probably hate this day. You probably cringe when you see it creeping up on the calendar. Maybe you panic a little inside because you don't know how this day is going to make you feel year after year. 

Maybe you cry a little inside when you see images of fathers and daughters all over your social media or hear that fluffy sermon at church that you feel that you just can't relate to. 

Maybe you just forget this day is happening and just stay inside all day. 

Maybe your father left when you were young. 

Maybe your parents divorced and you haven't seen him in years.

Maybe he broke your trust. 

Maybe he just plain wasn't there for you and your relationship has been strained for years. 

Maybe he died and you miss him so much it hurts and this day is just a reminder he isn't with you.

I know you. I see you, because I've been there. I've felt all those emotions you're feeling. But, more than any of those feelings here's what I know;

I know there is a God that loves me and YOU! I know there is a God who cares about you so much he created you and knows every hair on your head. (Matt. 10:30)

I believe God's word when he says that He's a Father to the Fatherless. (Psalm 68:5)

I know this to be true in my own life.

I know that Jesus came and he died for you and for me to bring us hope beyond all this. To give us the ability to forgive in situations when we need to and bring complete healing when we need it.

You might be reading this and feel that all that I've said is nieve or silly. God has shown me over the years that this perspective is his protection and covering over me. God wants to offer us so much more than what the world wants to tell us about how this day can make us feel or should feel. 

In God there is hope through Jesus. 

For most of my life my birth father was not in my life. He was not a man I knew well, or trusted. He caused hurt, pain and confusion during seasons of my life. I came to know the Lord early on in my life and I know that it was the Lord's protection and provision that he gave me a Godly perspective to come back to time and time again when I felt lost, hurt and afraid. 

That didn't always make life easy, that didn't mean those feelings magically went away but what it did give me what Hope.

Hope that I didn't have to be defined by my father's actions. 

Hope that I didn't have to live a life of depression, or rejection.

Hope that I didn't have to feel sorry for myself.

Hope from bitterness and confusion.

Hope that I could celebrate others and be involved in life events and not feel bad that I didn't have the same as my friends, neighbors, co-workes, etc. 

Hope that even though I did not have a biological father in my life, God gave me and blessed me with amazing step-father's, a great Grandfather to be a Godly example, awesome Uncles who loved me as their own. 

God offered me his love. 

So, when this day rolls around year after year I know that I am not Fatherless. I know that I have a God and Savior who loves me and cares for me so much that he died for me. (John 3:16)

I want to encourage you today to rest on that. To pray on that. If you don't already know that I invite you to call on his name and His Holy Spirit will meet your right where you are today.