10 Things on a Tuesday!

01. I'm on Day 16 of Whole30 Round 2! Halfway there and it's going great! Some parts of Whole30 are super challenging for me and others are easy. This round has been fun because I'm doing it with my mom.

02. This week is Ava's big dance recital! It's her second year of dance and I've loved watching my tiny dancer blossom over the last 2 years. 

03. We've painted almost our entire house! It was a big goal of mine to tackle this painting during the month of June. We ended up hiring a painter to paint most of the house which was the best investment. What literally would have taken me days took the painter just a day in a half. I've spent the last few days painting the kid's rooms and getting them in order. They love having "their rooms" back. 

04. We've had tons of family in town the last few weeks. It's been wonderful and I've been soaking it all up. This weekend my step-dad is coming into town and my nieces will be coming soon as well. 

05. Speaking of that we're getting excited for vacation soon. A week away with my people is just what I need. 

06. The hubby and I are looking forward to a weekend away just the two of us for a friend's wedding. We haven't had a weekend away since before Ava was born! That's awful people, so we're excited. 

07. I wrote an update about my weight loss journey, you can read it here. 

08. We had a big goal this year to pay off a lot of debt! I didn't know we were gonna do it, but God did. He provided for us and we've been able to pay off our car, the rest of our credit card debt and medical debt. Such a blessing and so freeing. #debtfree 

09. I went back and read my word for the year again this past year and it helped center me again. Reminded me of all that God wants to do in my life this year. 

10. Earlier this year I made some financial goals to help us save more and pay off more debt. One of which was to only buy things on sale and not pay full price. Wait for sales or use a coupon. I've always been a fairly frugal person, and love a good sale. I'm happy to report that this year so far I've accomplished this goal. It's an awesome feeling and a goal accomplished to get things at a great price and be able to accomplish financial goals.