Simply Tuesday Book Release + Review

I was excited to be able to read an advance copy of Emily P. Freeman's new book that comes out today! Simply Tuesday. Let me tell you friends, this book couldn't have come at a better time, and I think it's such a God thing. Pretty sure he knew I needed to read these words.

God speaks to me a lot through words, reading and music. He uses the words of others to confirm things in my heart he's speaking, to show me something he wants to teach me through what others are learning or have learned. 

This quote from the book is one of my favorites, it just speaks volumes to me. The older I've gotten, the more God has shown me that there is value in the small. Small beginnings, small moments between me and Him. Small moments with my family. There's worth in the small, and it should never be overlooked or looked down upon. 

I know there have been many times in my life where I've been behind the scenes on things, or helped from a far. I haven't had the leading role, and haven't been in the fore front but God reminds me time and time again that's where he has me. My talents are being used there, and he hasn't forgotten me. 

Reading Emily's words reminded me and confirmed what God's been speaking to me about smallness. 

Don't be distracted by smallness, instead celebrate it and see what God wants to teach you. 

One of my other favorites excerpts from the book is this one:

Small was Jesus' whole life, how he came, how he lives, how he died, even whom he revealed himself once he rose again. Small is the position of my soul.

I just love that simple reminder. I'm repeating that to myself over and over again when things become overwhelming, when Satan tried to attack me with something I know isn't from God. When I need to say "no" to things in my schedule. When I need to breathe. 

I also love that she encourages you to take a step back, slow down and that's ok to do. It's hard for us to conceive in this fast paced, do it all world we live in now. But those simple slow moments with Jesus are my favorite. 

Pick up a copy of Simply Tuesday here. I promise you'll love it as much as I did! 

I was apart of the Simply Tuesday book launch team in exchange for my review I received an advance copy. All opinions are 100% my own.