Dancing Through Life Book Review

Two book reviews in 1 week! I know, I know. But I've been reading a ton ya'll. Can I say that? I know I'm not Southern or anywhere close, I was born in California for the love. But in my heart I'm a cross between beachy California girl and Southern belle. 

You follow me right? 

Moving on, back to the book...... 

If you were a child of the 80's or early 90's you probably grew up with DJ Tanner in your home! Well, now she's all grown up and I've been a fan of hers since I was a little girl. We're about the same age she and I. I feel like I know her, but with out really knowing her. You feel me here?! 

I have followed her career a lot over the years, I tend to do that with people I like. Celebs and all. I watched her on Make it Or Break It back in the day, and I can't tell you how excited I am about this Fuller House show coming to Nexflix! 

I read her first book Reshaping It All a few years back, and so I was excited when I saw she had a 3rd book coming out about her Dancing with the Stars (DWTS) journey and how her faith helped her through the weeks of competition. Appropriately called 'Dancing Through Life- Steps of Courage & Conviction'

One of my favorite chapters was chapter 4 'A Clean Slate' where she talked a lot about finding JOY in your circumstances. That choosing to be joyful is God's idea and how it effects your over all attitude is major! 

This resonated with me so much, because much of the last 6 years I've chosen to be just that, in circumstances that weren't what I'd choose first. God has been teaching me a lot in this area and I was so blessed by reading her words and thoughts on this. It was such an encouragement to me. 

If you are a fan of Candace or DWTS or both, I promise you'll love this book. Put it on your Fall reading list now, you know you need something for those school carpool lines mamas! You can purchase the book here

And just for fun, while I was reading the book as Candace recalls each week of dances. I found myself wanting to see them again. This was such a fun season and you can really see her progression as a dancer and how much fun she's having. Below is a video I found online of all her dances she did through out the season.