I'm going to be honest with you, I don't even know where the month of November went! That's just the truth friends. When I looked back on my goals for last month it was a blur. I accomplished some things that I'd written down, but overall there were a lot of things that crept up on me this month and I didn't get to a lot of things. 

As I've been thinking about December goals I've decided to not bite off more than I can chew so to speak. This month is busy, crazy I think. As I'm sure for you it's similar. So I've decided that the rest of this month I want to finish up my Christmas shopping (kids done. Hubby left.) relax with my kiddos, make Christmas cookies, stroll and look at holiday lights and try to absorb as much of this season with my family as I possibly can. 

No big goals, or projects. Just simple. I might try to read one new book. Reading is always a good thing. 

So tell me, what are some of your goals for the month? Do you have big things? Small and simple? Tell me in the comments below.