My Favorite Fall Coat & Cozy Blanket Scarf

The drop in temperatures here in Phoenix has been a welcome change from our normal triple digits! I welcome this time of year as a lovely break from the heat. One of the main things I miss about living somewhere that has four seasons is Fall! 

Fall has always been my favorite time of year, pumpkin everything, a change in temperatures and layering in cozy sweaters, scarves and boots! So when the temperatures drop and I get the chance to layer I'm all about it. 

I found the perfect Fall coat, it's not to hot or bulky. It's a perfect grey color and paired with a black and white blanket scarf you can't go wrong.

Back in October my husband and I took a trip to see friends in Minneapolis and it was the perfect accessories to have on hand. My friend Jessie who is an amazing local Minneapolis photographer took some pictures for me while our husbands sat a nearby coffee shop. 

So if you're looking for the perfect Fall coat or an amazing scarf to keep you warm these are my picks! I've linked the coat from two awesome online boutiques, you can beat the price for under $50! And the scarf is $11 on Amazon and free prime shipping! It's almost like I'm giving you a gift with these deals! ;) 

Grab some cocoa and stay warm friends! 

Grey Knitted Coat (here and here)

Black and white blanket scarf (here)

*affiliate link used. 

*all photos Jessie Papia Photography