Four Ways I Keep Myself Motivated to Accomplish My Wellness Goals.

This post is brought to you by FlyJoy. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting brands that help make this blog possible. 

As we end the year I wanted to share with you some tips that have helped keep me focused, on track and motivated with my health and fitness goals this year. When it comes to health and wellness I think it's important to try new things and figure out what works best for you. So today I want to share with '4 Ways I Keep Myself Motivated' when it comes to health & wellness.

1. Keeping track using my Fitbit.

My mom got this for me last year on my birthday. I didn't even realize how much I would love it, but my type-A, check things off my list personality loves this thing! It keeps track of everything, workouts, water intake, sleep and more! I love keeping track of my workouts using it and my water intake for the day. It helps keep me motivated and on track! 

2. New Gear.

This might sound crazy but nothing helps keep me motivated quite like getting new workout gear. I'm telling you if you haven't gotten yourself a new workout outfit recently do it! It's highly motivating, and I feel like when you look good you feel good and want to conquer your fitness goals. Also, getting a new water bottle makes you want to drink more water. Trust me. I recently picked up this Blender bottle with measurements on the side, again so I can see exactly how many ounces I'm drinking and adding it to my Fitbit. 

3. Get food/snacks that you enjoy.

Part of getting healthy for me has been changing my eating habits. A lot of times people struggle with diet because they feel like they have to give up a lot. So my approach is to find food and snacks that I enjoy and don't have to feel like I'm giving up anything. Dinner usually isn't a problem for me as much as snacks. That's why I love Fly Joy bars, they are all natural, gluten fee, non-GMO and they taste great. Cashew Cookie is my fave. My kiddos love the peanut butter and jelly and blueberry ones. 

4. Try New Workout Programs

I'm constantly trying new programs. I still run often, but also like to mix it up with different workout videos always trying new things and keeping myself from being bored with my workouts. 

As we end the year and head into a new one I hope these tips are helpful and you can take what you can and adapt it for your own life. To discover more about Fly Joy go here.