DIY Eczema Cream

I found these mini mason jars in the Target One Spot and I knew they'd be perfect for using for some oil blends and creams. Ava has super sensitive skin and over the years we've tried just about every over the counter cream and lotion to help her skin. After taking a look at the list of ingredients in these I didn't feel comfortable continuing to use them. Most lotions from the store are filled with these chemicals and tons of things I can't even pronounce. 

That's why I'm so thankful for my essential oils, they are safe for my family to use on a daily basis, and I don't have to worry about harsh chemicals. I whipped up some exzema cream for Ava's skin and it's been working wonders. Here's how you can make your own. 

I use coconut oil from Trader Joe's, it works great, it's organic and you can get a jar for $5.99 that lasts a long time. For this blend I used lavender & melaleuca oils both from Young Living. Mix it all together using the recipe above and store in a glass jar. This recipe is the perfect portion for these mini jars, you could also double this if you wanted to make more. 

That's it! Store in your medicine cabinet and apply liberally where needed. If you need help ordering oils or want more info on them email me ( and I'll be happy to help! 

What are some of your favorite oils to use?