Fall House Tour 2014 Video

Hi friends! Yes, I realize what the title says. I forgot I even had this video in my editing floor. So today I thought I'd still upload it and show you our updated space, since I last showed it to you in 2013 a lot has changed. For more source info and pictures visit this post for all the details. 

For more videos I'd love for you all to subscribe to my Youtube channel here. 

Coffee Date 3.13.15

Hi Friends, Happy Friday! Welcome to another coffee date. I'm excited to share with you guys something a little different today for coffee date. I'm going to be sharing with you a couple things I've been loving lately. 

Visit Momdiggity Shop here use code MISSEDOUT for 15% off now through Sunday! 

I didn't mention in the video but I'm excited to take Ava tonight to her first musical we're going to see Cinderella! I hope you're having a great Friday, what are your plans for the weekend? Share them in comments below.

Sea Life Arizona

A couple weekends ago we loaded up the kiddos and headed to Sea Life Arizona. It's pretty close to home only a 40 minute drive, and great way to get the kids out of the house and doing something fun. We had been here before with Ava when she was about two years old, but we haven't been since Zane been born. 

There's a lot to see and do at Sea Life Arizona, I especially enjoy the different sea creatures that are there and the different "touch & feel" tanks where kids can get up close with different sea animals. 

They have huge tanks full of sea turtles, different kinds of sharks, sting rays and more. Ava loved the sea horses, there are tons of different breeds of those in different tanks. 

They both loved the "sea tunnel" where you could walk through and have the fish swimming over you. It was so fun to see their reactions. There's also a movie theatre on site where you can watch educational films on sea life. It's a fun experience for kids of all ages and parents too. 

Another fun feature is the play gym at the end where your kiddos can just let loose and climb and play before you leave. You can save a little bit of money by buying your tickets online versus on site, find out more about tickets here.

Disclosure: I was provided tickets for my family free of charge in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are 100% my own, I try to find events, products and services that are a good fit for my family and think they will be for you as well. 

MARCH Goals.

February is over guys. Can you believe it? I thought I'd take a moment to re-cap the month of February before we jump into March goals. 

February I had 4 simple goals, but they were big goals. First up, I completed my very first Whole30 experience. This was a big goal this month and I knew it was going to be challenging, it was and it proved to be a learning time for me as well, more on this in another video update. 

I finished a couple books this month The Nesting Place & It Starts with Food. We worked on a house project this month, we're working on re-doing our master bath. So we refinished the bathroom vanity, can't wait to show you that soon. And lastly, I planned a date for my husband. Which is always fun to take over and plan something. 

March is typically a busy month for us, it's Ava's birthday is this month and we usually have family coming into town. However this year, we don't have family coming to visit. We'll still be celebrating her birthday and some other fun family events, so I'm looking forward to March!

MARCH Goals.

01// Read 1 new book.


02// Design 1 new shop product.

I've been dreaming and writing down a lot of new ideas for shop products. I'm hoping to roll out at least  few new prints this month, and one other fun product.

03// Do 1 creative project.

It's been a long time since I made something for my home. This month I want to work on at least one creative project for my home.

04// Finish Master bath vanity project.

Vanity done. Now we need to work on framing that mirror. 

05// Finish Planning for Ava's birthday party.

Plan and execute. That's the plan for this month. I'm excited to show you goodies from her "modern" Elsa party coming up.

What are your goals for the month of March? I'd love to hear them below.

READ:: The Nesting Place

I remember finding The Nester's blog shortly after we moved to Arizona. I had been blogging myself for a little over a year around that time, and was just starting to read home decor blogs. It was during a season of life where we had just lost our first home due to me getting laid off from my job during a season in 2008. We had just moved into an apartment here in Arizona that began a longer season of apartment living than I ever thought we'd have. 

It was during that season that I found The Nester's blog and her message about "things don't have to be perfect to be beautiful." 

I love that message, and there's a lot of meaning and heart behind that. A message that I really took to heart during that season of life when I was living in an apartment that I didn't really care for, a new mom and just trying to make sense of the season we'd just come out of. 

I got this book for Christmas and I devoured the first few chapters in just a few hours. The book gives you a great glimpse of their background and their lives in the homes they've lived in. If you follow her blog you already know they've lived in so many homes over the years, where she's made the best of what she's had keeping that same perspective in mind. 

I loved that. I was challenged by that so much. 

I firmly believe your home is your sanctuary, a place to feel safe, a place to make your own. 

I love that this book is part Godly wisdom and part practical decor tips. She gives you some great tips and tricks on making your home your own. But she also challenges you to think outside the box, use what you have and make your home special. 

A few of my favorite lines from the book

With enough money anyone can create and pretty home but it takes intention to create a home. @thenester #nestingplacebook

The best way to crest a beautiful home is to be thankful for what you already have. #truth @thenester #nestingplacebook

If you've read her blog before you'll love this book. If you've never heard of her before you'll love it. She's real and genuine and reading this book is like sitting down for coffee with a friend. Pick up the book here*

*affiliate link used