EP 04: Cassandra Speer from Speer & Arrows

I’m so excited for you guys to listen to this episode with Cassandra Speer! I connected with Cassandra through social media (don’t you just love the internet sometimes) and I knew I wanted to help share her story through the Flourish Together podcast.

A little bit more about her;

Cassandra Speer was raised in Wisconsin, saved in Texas, and is planted in Oklahoma City. She’s been a hair/makeup artist for over a decade and is now a homemaker and writer. She is the proud wife of a veteran and mother of three. 

Cassandra is the face behind Speer & Arrows — a blog with the purpose to encourage and empower all MOMKIND to walk in the freedom only Christ can provide. She is passionate about sharing her faith and tackling the raw and messy moments of motherhood with a little bit of humor — and a whole lot of Jesus!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Visit Cassandra and her writing here on her blog, connect with her on social media here. If you loved this episode don’t forget to share it on social media, take a screen shot and tag us both @andreamworley & @speerandarrows

I would love for you to give this episode a rating + review on Itunes! It’s super simple and easy and takes only a few minutes. I’ll be sharing reviews in future episodes of the show, yours might be featured soon!

EP 03: The Enneagram with Kristin from Her Tov

I’m so excited for you all to hear this episode! I love chatting all things Enneagram, it’s been a tool for me in my own life that has been something I have used to move toward growth and healing. It has helped me so much in understanding myself and other around me.

This episode, we’re chatting with my friend and Enneagram coach Kristin from HerTov. I’m excited for you to listen in on this conversation, and learn more about the Enneagram. In this episode we explore topics such as;

  • Discovering your type

  • What makes the Enneagram different from other personality types?

  • An intro into the 9 types

Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Follow Kristin on Instagram here, and check out her Enneagram coaching website here. Don’t forget to jump on over and give this episode a rating and review! This helps spread the message of the podcast, and helps others find it as well. I’ll be choosing a new review to read on air every week, also screen shot when you’re listening and post to social media and tag me! (@andreamworley) Thank you so much for listening in, this had been such a fun adventure so far!

EP 02: Create the Community You Crave

Welcome back friends to another episode of the podcast! Thank you to everyone who is listening in, sharing with your friends and family and subscribed to the show! It means the world to me! Keep sharing, and don’t forget to give us a rating and review on itunes.

Today’s episode we’re chatting about community!

This is such a big buzz word today in our culture, but how do we move from just a buzz word to actually putting this into practice into our everyday lives? Join me for today’s conversation on community.

I want to encourage all of you, if you are in a place where you’re looking for community and haven’t quite found your fit keep going. I know it can be hard, I know it can be trying, I know it can be time consuming but I promise it’s worth it. When you put yourself out there, it truly is.

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and listen in.

My Word for 2019: B O L D.

I’ve been doing a “word of the year” since 2011, and it’s a great way to focus your year. Set your intentions and goals. If you haven’t done a word of the year ever, I really encourage you to do one.

For me it starts with prayer and sitting down with my journal. Last year my word was Flourish, you can read more about that here.

To hear more about my word for 2019, keep reading.

Depending on what perspective you’re coming from this word may have a negative connotation to it. For some this might be the case, would you agree?

Maybe you’ve felt at times that you never wanted to come across as to bold or to much. Maybe you’ve been afraid like me to step out in bold ways, even though you knew that’s what God was asking you to do. I’m super into word studies and knowing the definitions of words. Yup, I’m a little nerdy like that. I’ve realized often times our experiences good or bad have given us a false sense of what words really mean.

Bod means not hesitating or fearful, courageous, and daring.

When I actually looked up the definition of this word and spent some time on it, I realized who doesn’t want to be courageous and daring? Who wants to live in fear?

Not me, I’m over it. I hope you are too.

Who wants to be confidents and hesitate in their life?

Me. Oh, yes I want to live boldly this year.

Maybe you want to as well.

Maybe you are over the fear as well, and want to live more fearlessly in your life. Maybe you want to live more courageously and take a leap into something new. Maybe God is calling you to be bold in your life, like he’s calling me.

Taking chances, going for it. Creating new things, having new experiences and living a bold life for Him.

Do you have a word for the year? If so, I’d love for you to share it in the comments below.

What I Learned in 2018.

My word for 2018 was Flourish, the word Flourish means ‘to grow or change as result of a favorable environment.’

I didn’t blog at all last year, that was intentional on my part. 2017 ended really weird, and heading into 2018 I really felt a break and pause was needed in certain areas of my life. Blogging was one of them. I realized that there were a few areas in my life where I’d made choices that weren’t allowing me to flourish. I wasn’t growing. I was letting fear and perfection cripple me, and keep me where I was. Fear can be a really easy thing to hide behind. If we stay in a place of fear, it keeps us from moving forward into the very things God has for us sometimes.

So 2018, was a year of recognizing where I was fearful. Writing it down, praying through it. And asking God to make me brave in the face of fear. Surrendering that fear, and self-doubt and letting go of a lot of it.

Am I still fearful at times? Heck, yes. But because of the lessons I’ve learned and mostly how to recognize it I now deal with it differently. And I think that is key, at least for me. There was no way I was going to flourish in 2018 if I didn’t start to recognize where I was, and where I wanted to be and reconcile the two. It took a lot of vulnerability and honesty with myself. It can be hard sometimes to really take a look at behaviors and patterns in your life and realize some of what you’re doing is unhealthy and not serving you well. That’s where I was, but I’m so thankful for this journey that 2018 brought me on.

As I head into 2019,

  • I feel brave

  • I feel ready

  • I feel sure of exactly who God has made me and what He’s called me to do

  • I know where my faults lie and I know how to surrender them

  • I feel confident

2019, I’m ready for you. Let’s do this.